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Exhibit 4-Haunted Old Main

How I made this in Camera Raw and Photoshop:
I cropped and straightened the original image that I took. I then added to the vibrancy and other settings as follows:
After those settings, I added some images to the background and added the text in the center.
Design Thoughts:
I wanted this image to look haunted. That is why I added more purple and pink to the image. I also made the images that I used more opaque to make them look more like ghosts. I also wanted the text to match the ghostly theme.
  • Contrast: purple and black background. Brightly colored images on dark background.
  • Repetition: the ghost figures in the foreground. Opacity. Ghost theme.
  • Proximity: Can you see us is in the center to be close to all of the ghostly figures.
  • Alignment: the text is in the center. The figures in the sky are aligned with each other and Old Main.
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