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Exhibit 10-Fee Deadline Digital Display

How I made this in Photoshop:
After placing the background in, I created a new layer and used the rectangular marquee tool to create a banner for the text. I then filled it with black and lowered the opacity. After that, I selected that again and added a black to transparent gradient on a new layer. I then added the text on top of it.
Design Thoughts:
I wanted this design to be really simple. It only gets to be on screen for a 20 second window, and I wanted to make sure that all of the himportant information stuck out. That's why I used a fairly simple background that wouldn't pull away from the text.
  • Contrast: White text on black. Black banner on blue background.
  • Repetition: Same font for all text.
  • Proximity: The darker part of the gradient is by the start of the text and the end of the text is lighter.
  • Alignment: The banner is center aligned with the text left aligned.
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